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7 Reasons to Use Evernote as an Organization Tool for School

This article appeared on henrimmissola.com and has been published here with permission.

All diligent students want to be as organized as possible to succeed. In the digital era we live in, it’s now common to use digital tools to get organized. And there are plenty of tools you can choose from, so how can you make sure you pick the right one?

The good news is that some tools stand out and offer features that answer your needs as a student. Evernote, whose slogan is “Remember everything”, is ideal for students who want to succeed.

In this article, I’ll share with you seven reasons to use Evernote as an organization tool for school.

1. Go paperless

In the past, those who took notes during classes directly on their computers were, in a way, ahead of their time. With the rise of digital tools, note-taking can now be done entirely without paper. And going paperless has major advantages: it’s easy to edit your notes if you make mistakes (no more erasing), it’s less likely that you’ll lose notes (no more loose sheets), and so on. With Evernote, you can take notes on your mobile phone, your tablet, the Web, or on the desktop application.

2. Keep all your notes in one place

Students generally use binders and folders to organize and categorize their course material. But with lectures, presentations, and tutorials, binders tend to fill up quickly, and it’s nearly impossible to have one binder for all of your classes. And even if it were possible, the binder would be so big that it would take you hours to find what you need. With Evernote, you’ll be able to centralize all the information in the same place and access your content with just one click, even if you have various digital notebooks.

3. Find what you’re looking for in the blink of an eye

Not only does Evernote let you centralize all your information in one place, but it also makes it easy for you to find information thanks to these two features:

  • Notebooks: categorize your notes by subject, e.g. philosophy, marketing, or communication. This way, you’ll be able to access your Marketing notes directly in the Marketing notebook.
  • Tags or keywords: you can add keywords to your notes to find them easily. For instance, you can add the word “brand” to all the notes that relate to brand strategy. Then, all you have to do is a keyword search using the word “brand,” and you’ll see all the notes that relate to brand strategy. You won’t have to sift through your notes.

4. Prepare your presentations in an efficient way

When you prepare a presentation, there’s one thing you can’t escape: research. Whether you do your research online, in books, encyclopedias, or magazines, with Evernote, you can easily capture all the data you need and save it for later.

On the Web, you can use the Web Clipper feature, which captures all the information you need (article, PDF, image, etc.) on a webpage and saves them in the notebook of your choice. To capture information from books, you’ll need to use the camera feature when you create a note.

5. Easily share notes with your classmates

One of your classmates missed a class, and they ask you if they can borrow your notes. It’s easy! With Evernote, you can export your notes as PDFs, so all you have to do is send them the notes. You can also share your notes directly with your classmate with the “Share the note” feature. What’s more, you can control the access rights. You can decide if you want your classmate to see the notes as read-only or grant them edit access, which could be very useful for group projects.

6. Access your class notes anytime, anywhere

Evernote is available on various devices and platforms, which means you can use it whether you have an Android or an Apple device. In addition, Evernote is available on mobile phones, tablets, on the Web, and can be installed on your computer. You can also start a note on your mobile phone and complete it on your computer. As you might have guessed, your content is synced on all of the devices on which you have Evernote. An Internet connection and a device (phone, tablet, computer) are all you need to access your information wherever you are on the planet.

7. Record your lectures effortlessly

Among the numerous features that Evernote has to offer, audio recording is particularly noteworthy. With this feature, you’ll never miss anything important your teacher has to say. And in addition to recording the lecture, you can write in the same note. This way, you’ll be able to check how accurate your note-taking is by replaying the recording.


There are many reasons to use Evernote as an organization tool for school. In this article, I’ve identified seven reasons that I consider the best ones:

1. Go paperless
2. Keep all your notes in one place
3. Find what you’re looking for in the blink of an eye
4. Prepare your presentations in an efficient way
5. Share notes with your classmates easily
6. Access your class notes anytime, anywhere
7. Record your lectures effortlessly

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