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Get more from your apps with Evernote integrations

Connect Evernote to the tools you already use—like Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, and Slack.

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A UI rappresentation of drive-integration

Become a meeting mastermind

Quickly prepare for meetings, ahead of time or on the spot. One click launches a note with relevant event details filled in. Sync you Google or Outlook calendar and created note for specific events with one click. Link supporting documents, files, and even emails to add context.

A UI rappresentation of mind-org

Turn conversation into action

Bring strategic discussions from Slack and email into Evernote. Combine them with related project plans and to-do lists so everything you need to take action is in one convenient place.

A UI rappresentation of slack-integration

Make your calendar work for you

Connect Evernote to Google or Outlook, and bring your schedule and notes together to make the most of every moment.

A UI rappresentation of calendar

See which Evernote plan is right for you


Evernote works with the apps you already use to help you be more productive with less effort.

sidney, Evernote Certified Expert

Evernote continues to be the best external brain for me. I can easily input information from anywhere, and I can integrate my other favorite tools for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Ray Sidney-Smith - Evernote Certified Expert

Tame your work, organize your life

Remember everything and tackle any project with your notes, tasks, and schedule all in one place.

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